Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Feliz Año Nuevo bitches.

Suck it up,

we're in for a ride.
TRanqui coasts into the new year on the fumes of his money farts.

Pedos de Plata, estamos llegando tranquilamente al Nuevo Año...
bien venido amigos.

If I could fart
this is what New Years would look like...

Pedos de Plata.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Verano, los Estilos

Styles of Summer.

The Molar of Judgement.

La muela del juicio//el diente de sabiduria.

Una muela menos, siempre más sabiduria.
Tranqui esta planeando su fin de año celebracíon, y todos están invitados. La idea es para celebrar la muela, el agujero que queda, y el Tranqui de 2008.
Vamos a festejar por el Tranqui que viene, nuevo, un hombre de la empresa, con tantas ideas y menos dinero cada dia.
Como puede ser tán intelectual? tan inteligente, y pues, tan pobre? Yo. Yo no sé.
Tienen que preguntar a Tranqui mismo.

One molar less, always more wisdom.
Tranqui is planning his end of the year celebrations, and everyone is invited. The idea is to celebrate the Molar, the hole that remains, and the Tranqui of 2008.
We are going to party for the Tranqui who is on his way in, a man of business, with so many ideas, and less money everyday.
How can he be so intelectual, so smart, and yet, so poor?
I. I do not know.
You have to ask Tranqui himself.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Empresa en el Frente, Fiesta en el Fondo...

is the

...but do I like it?

pero, a mi me gusta?
the little-er they get, the more I have to point.
The little kids that hit me; My new shorts were ripped on the butt, and my how they laughed.

A man who said he was a puppeteer- took interest in Tranqui. His eyes were very close together, but his Tranqui-Meter was sharp, I could tell.

There are some people who seem to understand Tranqui on a level that perhaps I don't even understand his fantasy; but there is a sense that something is seen or felt or experienced that both I and they can connect with.
It is this unspoken connection- perhaps just a momentary pause for reflection, fleeting- that I admire so much.

They stop and stare while I stare at them. A moment passes– of confusion, of thought, of wonder– and then our eyes meet.
We smile from a distance as they walk away.

I adjust my vest, replace my shades, and return to character.

Tranqui Went to Caballito 16-11

las fotos:
Kate Stanworth

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Caballito!- NOV. 9 Domingo!

Veni a ver Tranqui Yanqui en su piel este domingo, mañana ( 9 NOV.), de frente los dinosaurios, por el parque centennario, en la unica Caballito que hay.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NO Doubt (sin duda?)

"With my head in my hand, I sit and cry...

[the crowds, they weren't mine]
Don't tell me cause it hurts.
ooo, ooooh, ooo....."
photos: Sam Campbell

VEO, si, VEO.

mas felíz que un pedo.

Inspiration revealed, twice.

A Letter of Appreciation.

Dear Mr. Bob Marley Painter Man,
My concerns are boundless, but let's start here:

WHY, are you so good?
HOW, do you know so much?
At once, I feel pity & admiration.

You are the perfect showman, the perfect spectacle, The perfect brand. In short, the Perfect Artist.
I see, I hear, I understand what you do. And, I want to do it too.

I envy your simplicity and your perfectly paint-splattered shoes. I envy the way you can be so nonchalant, you can smile and wink at me. You, more than anyone else, can wear all black.

Your hair is perfect, your message so clear, the Applause so loud.
You leave me speechless, thoughtless, and deaf with gratitude.
More than anything, I envy the deep and restful sleep you must find at the end of your day, knowing you've done so well.

To You, I extend my warmest thank you.

Birds of a Feather. (San Telmo)

photo creds:
Sam Campbell

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Con pocos preparativos, Tranqui va a hacer el acto por la primera vez hoy en San Telmo.
Hay muchos ilegales, locos, y payasos ahi, entonces, no tengo tanto miedo de la yuta (iza, rati, chancha, cobani, policia). Más, los turistas que seguro van a tomar fotos del ese Yanqui con un sombrero hecho de cartón...
Les espero ahi.

With few prepartions, Tranqui heads for the first time to do his performance in San Telmo.
There are many ilegals (things/people), crazy-types, and clowns there, so I'm not too scared of the po-pos. Plus, the tourists will surely take photos of this crazy Yankee with his tophat made of cardboard.
I'll see you there.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I have to Drink my Pills now.

macintosh lollipops.
my fingers and wrists hurt.

Can Tranqui Yanqui make things cooler if he says he loves them too?

Maybe Coca-Cola and Mac will pitch in to my cause if they know I'm helping theirs.

That's what I'm banking on.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

la fiaca.

tranqui esta con su dia de fiaca.
Igual, es un dia para trabajar en los diseños de unas nuevas ropitas...
pantalones de los colectivos.
remeras de la guia 'T'.
y mas.

Monday, October 13, 2008

QUICK!! Make more $$$!!!

Tranquify that Shit.

With glitter and gold, Tranqui marketing is well under way. In production is a new line of clothing, cola, tranqui bucks, and a thorough advertising campaign to uphold it all; slapped with the Tranqui tag to make it even more awesome.
More awesome?
Yes. More Awesome.
Yanquilandia watches the crumbling of a dynasty.
Tranqui Yanqui scoffs at those silly Yankees and their greed. His own money is the answer; Rich as ever in Tranqui Bucks...

El maketing de Tranqui Yanqui ya empezó hace mucho.
Brillante, con oro, el nuevo producción de ropas mentirosas, cola, plata, y los promociones para apollar todo. La marca de Tranqui está para hacerlos más copado.
Más copado?
Si, más.
En Yanquilandia, están mirando el desmunuzarse de su propria dinastía.
Tranqui Yanqui mira a sus Yankees y su avaricia. Su mismo dinero es la solución;
Tan Rico con Tranqui Bucks.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

YO F*ck the Police 'cause I aint the One!

la segunda vez.

cuantas veces que la gente disfrutaban el show de Tranqui:
cuantas veces que la policia me dijieron que tenia que irme: 2.

# of times people have enjoyed Tranqui's show: everytime.

# of times the cops have kicked Tranqui out: 2.

my document was taken.
people were concerned.
for a split second, I thought they might actually do something with my ID.

Then I remembered, I'm in Argentina.

Feria at Mataderos, HOY!!

Veni a ver Tranqui en la feria de Matederos, a las 15:00!

Es un dia hermoso, por que no lo pasás con tu yanqui preferido?, Tranqui, por supuesto....
(Go to the Matederos market today, spend this beautiful day with your favorite Yankee, Tranqui, of course...)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tranqui as Other.

Due to inclemate weather conditions, Today's 'acto' at the Feria de Matederos will be postponed.
Debido a las condiciones atmosféricas del inclemate, el ' acto de hoy ' en el feria de Matederos será pospuesto.
Look forward to these exciting new Tranqui products:
Tranqui Kicks
The 'Tranqui Loves ...' Campaign
ni la lluvia ni el viento parecen ser amigos del cartón.